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20 Cool Facts About Maths

1. The word “hundred” comes from the old Norse term, “hundrath”, which actually means 120 and not 100.

2. In a room of 23 people there’s a 50% chance that two people have the same birthday.

Illustration of birthday cake

3. Most mathematical symbols weren’t invented until the 16th century. Before that, equations were written in words.

4. “Forty” is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order.

speed limit 40 sign

5. Conversely, “one” is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in descending order.

6. From 0 to 1000, the only number that has the letter “a” in it is “one thousand”.

7. ‘Four’ is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself.

8. Every odd number has an “e” in it.

9. The reason Americans call mathematics “math”, is because they argue that “mathematics” functions as a singular noun so ‘math’ should be singular too.

10. Markings on animal bones indicate that humans have been doing maths since around 30,000BC.

11. “Eleven plus two” is an anagram of “twelve plus one” which is pretty fitting as the answer to both equations is 13.

12. Also, there are 13 letters in both “eleven plus two” and “twelve plus one”.

13. Zero is not represented in Roman numerals.

14. The word “mathematics” only appears in one Shakespearean play, “The Taming of the Shrew”.

portrait of Shakespeare

15. -40 °C is equal to -40 °F.

16. In France, a pie chart is sometimes referred to as a “camembert”.

17. The symbol for division (i.e.÷) is called an obelus.

18. 2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5.

19. A ‘jiffy’ is an actual unit of time. It means 1/100th of a second.

20. If you shuffle a deck of cards properly, it’s more than likely that the exact order of the cards you get has never been seen before in the whole history of the universe.

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Հետաքրքիր փաստեր

1.Անգլիացի մաթեմատիկոս Աբրահամ դե Մուավրը հասուն տարիքում հանկարծ հայտնաբերեց, որ իր քնի տևողությունը օրական 15 րոպեով երկարում է։ Թվաբանական պրոգրեսիա կազմելով, նա որոշեց այն օրը, երբ քունը կհասնի 24ժամի․ 1754 թվականի նոյեմբերի 27-ը։ Այդ օրն էլ նա մահացավ։

2.Հավատացյալ հրեաները աշխատում են խուսափել քրիստոնեական խորհրդանիշներից և ընդհանրապես նշաններից, որոնք նման են խաչին։ Օրինակ, հրեական որոշ դպրոցների աշակերտները + նշանի փոխարեն գրում են շրջված «т» կրկնող նշանը։

3.Ասում են, որ Ալֆրեդ Նոբելը մաթեմատիկան չի մտցրել իր մրցանակների ցուցակում, այն պատճառով, որ կինը նրան իբր դավաճանել է մաթեմատիկոսի հետ։ Իրականում Նոբելը երբեք ամուսնացած չի եղել։ Իսկական պատճառը հայտնի չէ,սակայն գոյություն ունի մի քանի վարկած։ Օրինակ, որ այդ ժամանակ մաթեմատիկայի գծով նման մրցանակ արդեն կար։ Մյուսը, որ մաթեմատիկոսները մարդկության համար կարևոր հայտնագործություն չեն արել, քանի որ այս գիտությունը միայն թեորիա է։

4.Ռուսական մաթեմատիկական գրականության մեջ զրոն բնական թիվ չէ, իսկ արևմտյանում, ընդհակառակը, պատկանում է բնական թվերի շարքին։

5.Ամերիկացի մաթեմատիկոս Դանցիգը, մի անգամ ուշանալով դասերից, կարծում է, որ գրատախտակին գրածը տնային հանձնարարություն է։ Այն նրան թվում է բավականին բարդ, սակայն մի քանի օր անց, նրան հաջողվում է այն լուծել։ Պարզվում է, որ նա լուծել է վիճակագրության երկու «անլուծելի» խնդիրներ, որոնք փորձում էին լուծել շատ գիտնականներ։

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Интересные факты о математике для детей

  1. Самое большое число называется центилион.
  2. У древних египтян не было таблицы умножения или каких-либо других математических правил.
  3. У всех людей на руках 10 пальцев. Именно поэтому древние ученые придумали десятичную систему исчисления.
  4. Согласно статистике, большая часть математиков, когда они учились в школе, имели не самое лучшее поведение.
  5. По мнению американских ученых, жевание жвачки на экзамене повышает шанс получить лучшую оценку.
  6. 0 — является единственным числом, имеющим несколько названий.
  7. Слово «алгебра» произносится во всем мире одинаково.
  8. Пиццу можно разрезать тремя движениями на 8 одинаковых кусочков.
  9. 0 — невозможно записать римскими цифрами.
  10. Известный писатель Льюис Кэрролл, был еще и британским математиком.
  11. Именно благодаря математике появилась логика.
  12. Отрицательные числа появились только в 19 веке.
  13. Древние египтяне не использовали дроби.
  14. Если сложить все числа рулетки, то получится мистическое число 666.
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Մաթեմատիկան և երաժշտությունը ակտիվացնում են ուղեղի նույն շրջանները

Մաթեմատիկան ակտիվացնում է գլխուղեղի նույն հատվածները, որը որ երաժշտությունը: Բրիտանացի գիտնականների այս բացահայտման մասին հրապարակվել է «Frontiers in Human Neuroscience» ամսագրում: Հաղորդում է «Գազետա.ռու»-ն:

Նման եզրահանգմանն են եկել հետազոտության շնորհիվ, որի մասնակիցները լուծել են մաթեմատիկական հավասարումներ, ինչպես նաև` երաժշտություն լսել:

Մասնավորապես, հետազոտողները արձանագրել են, որ գլխուղեղի ճակատային կեղևը նույն ակտիվությունն է ունենում մաթեմատիկական խնդիրներ լուծելու ժամանակ, ինչպես երաժշտություն լսելիս:

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The Swedish Mathematical Society


The Swedish Mathematical Society was named Svenska Matematikersamfundet. It was founded in 1950 with the first meeting taking place in June of that year. The first President of the Society was Arne Beurling. The first secretary was Bror Gustaver and the first treasurer was Nils Erik Fremberg. Its aim was:-

… to promote mathematics, including by improving contacts between professional mathematicians, both nationally and internationally, and by spreading information about the growing importance of mathematics in society.

Many of members of the Society are high school teachers while virtually all mathematicians at Swedish universities and colleges are members. Today the Society has over 500 members.Discussions about producing a publication were held in a meeting of the new Society which took place in November 1950 when Beurling explained to members that there was a proposal to produce two new international mathematics journals published jointly by the Scandinavian mathematical societies, one a high level research journal, the other an elementary journal concerned with the teaching of mathematics [2]:-

Negotiations among Scandinavian mathematicians started with a wish to create an international research journal accepting papers in the principal languages English, French and German, and expanded quickly into negotiations on another more elementary journal accepting papers in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, and occasionally in English or German. The mathematical societies in the Nordic countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden were behind both journals and for the elementary journal also societies of schoolteachers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

The Swedish Mathematical Society was keen to participate in this venture but, fearing that the proposals might not materialise, they also made some preliminary plans to produce their own journal if necessary.The second annual meeting of the Society took place in Lund in June 1951. Further important decisions on publishing the two international Scandinavian journals were taken at that meeting. The title of Mathematica Scandinavica was chosen as the title for the high level journal by votes taken in the participating mathematical societies in January 1952. The first meeting of the editorial board was in May and the journal was first published in 1953. Although negotiations for the joint publication of Nordisk Matematisk Tidskrift took a little longer to finalise, it also first appeared in 1953. At first the Swedish Mathematical Society were less keen on the elementary journal since Sweden already published the journal Elementa.

Ake Pleijel became the second President of the Swedish Mathematical Society, holding this position from 1952 to 1957. He became the first Swedish editor of Mathematica Scandinavica. Nils Erik Fremberg, the first treasurer of the Swedish Mathematical Society [2]:-

… played an important role in supporting the Swedish participation in the elementary journal, he was appointed editor by the Swedish Mathematical Society of this journal, but he died unfortunately of cancer in September 1952 before the journal had started.

A recent article by Klas Markström, the President of the Swedish Mathematical Society in 2017, [2] gives an up-to-date account of the Society. You can read a version of his article at THIS LINK.The statutes of the Society, last modified in 2005, state that as well as individual members, institutions, schools and other legal identities may join. The Society meets at least twice a year. The Society is run by a Board [3]:-

The Board shall consist of five persons, the chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, secretary and an ordinary Board member. Representation on the Board for the younger mathematicians and mathematicians active in schools and in areas of application should be pursued. These are elected at the annual general meeting. In order for a board decision to apply, it is required that at least three Board members are present and agree on the decision.At each Swedish university and in other places where the circumstances merits it, the Society has a local representative. Their task should be to keep in touch with the active mathematicians at that locality and inform them of matters related to the Society. All local representatives are elected at the annual general meeting.

The Swedish Mathematical Society cooperates other organizations in arranging a variety of activities, such as Education Days, Mathematics Competitions and Sonja-Kovalevsky-Days, for high school teachers and students.High School Mathematics Competition

At Danderyd’s Gymnasium there has been a special mathematical competition, called Mathematics Gymnasium Competition since 1986. For the Swedish upper secondary schools, a mathematical competition was started in 1961. The mathematics initiative at Danderyd’s Gymnasium led to the decision to start a competition for the country’s high schools. The High School Mathematics Competition started in 1988 as a local mathematics competition for all high schools in the Stockholm area. Two years later, the competition was extended to the whole country and became a nationwide mathematical competition. Today, the High School Mathematics Competition is organized by an independent competition committee in collaboration with, among others, Danderyds Gymnasium, which is still hosting the final competition, and the Swedish Mathematical Society.

The Sonja Kovalevsky Days

The Sonja Kovalevsky Days are aimed at high school students interested in mathematics. It was organized for the first time in World Mathematics Year 2000 and became a clear success with many satisfied participants. The goal of the Sonja Kovalevsky Days is to increase the interest in mathematics studies among young people and to encourage them to choose that subject at university. Each upper secondary school with science programmes is invited to send two students to the Sonja Kovalevsky Days. Students are chosen among those who show a lively interest in the subject of mathematics. The Principal Teacher appoints the pupils, preferably a girl and a boy student who are in their final year in high school. The days aim to give the participants a picture of the importance of the role of mathematics in our society, give an understanding of the rapid development of mathematics in the last hundred years, give the opportunity to meet inspirational role models in education, research and business, and to give an understanding of the need for good mathematics skills in a future professional life.

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Ancient Chinese number system

Ancient Chinese number system

Even as mathematical developments in the ancient Greek world were beginning to falter during the final centuries BCE, the burgeoning trade empire of China was leading Chinese mathematics to ever greater heights.

The simple but efficient ancient Chinese numbering system, which dates back to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, used small bamboo rods arranged to represent the numbers 1 to 9, which were then places in columns representing units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. It was therefore a decimal place value system, very similar to the one we use today — indeed it was the first such number system, adopted by the Chinese over a thousand years before it was adopted in the West — and it made even quite complex calculations very quick and easy.

Written numbers, however, employed the slightly less efficient system of using a different symbol for tens, hundreds, thousands, etc. This was largely because there was no concept or symbol of zero, and it had the effect of limiting the usefulness of the written number in Chinese.

The use of the abacus is often thought of as a Chinese idea, although some type of abacus was in use in MesopotamiaEgypt and Greece, probably much earlier than in China (the first Chinese abacus, or “suanpan”, we know of dates to about the 2nd Century BCE).

Lo Shu magic square, with its traditional graphical representation

Lo Shu magic square, with its traditional graphical representation

There was a pervasive fascination with numbers and mathematical patterns in ancient China, and different numbers were believed to have cosmic significance. In particular, magic squares — squares of numbers where each row, column and diagonal added up to the same total — were regarded as having great spiritual and religious significance.

The Lo Shu Square, an order three square where each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15, is perhaps the earliest of these, dating back to around 650 BCE (the legend of Emperor Yu’s discovery of the the square on the back of a turtle is set as taking place in about 2800 BCE). But soon, bigger magic squares were being constructed, with even greater magical and mathematical powers, culminating in the elaborate magic squares, circles and triangles of Yang Hui in the 13th Century (Yang Hui also produced a trianglular representation of binomial coefficients identical to the later Pascals’ Triangle, and was perhaps the first to use decimal fractions in the modern form).

Early Chinese method of solving equations

Early Chinese method of solving equations

But the main thrust of Chinese mathematics developed in response to the empire’s growing need for mathematically competent administrators. A textbook called “Jiuzhang Suanshu” or “Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art” (written over a period of time from about 200 BCE onwards, probably by a variety of authors) became an important tool in the education of such a civil service, covering hundreds of problems in practical areas such as trade, taxation, engineering and the payment of wages.

It was particularly important as a guide to how to solve equations — the deduction of an unknown number from other known information — using a sophisticated matrix-based method which did not appear in the West until Carl Friedrich Gauss re-discovered it at the beginning of the 19th Century (and which is now known as Gaussian elimination).

Among the greatest mathematicians of ancient China was Liu Hui, who produced a detailed commentary on the “Nine Chapters” in 263 CE, was one of the first mathematicians known to leave roots unevaluated, giving more exact results instead of approximations. By an approximation using a regular polygon with 192 sides, he also formulated an algorithm which calculated the value of π as 3.14159 (correct to five decimal places), as well as developing a very early forms of both integral and differential calculus.

The Chinese Remainder Theorem

The Chinese Remainder Theorem

The Chinese went on to solve far more complex equations using far larger numbers than those outlined in the “Nine Chapters”, though. They also started to pursue more abstract mathematical problems (although usually couched in rather artificial practical terms), including what has become known as the Chinese Remainder Theorem. This uses the remainders after dividing an unknown number by a succession of smaller numbers, such as 3, 5 and 7, in order to calculate the smallest value of the unknown number. A technique for solving such problems, initially posed by Sun Tzu in the 3rd Century CE and considered one of the jewels of mathematics, was being used to measure planetary movements by Chinese astronomers in the 6th Century AD, and even today it has practical uses, such as in Internet cryptography.

By the 13th Century, the Golden Age of Chinese mathematics, there were over 30 prestigious mathematics schools scattered across China. Perhaps the most brilliant Chinese mathematician of this time was Qin Jiushao, a rather violent and corrupt imperial administrator and warrior, who explored solutions to quadratic and even cubic equations using a method of repeated approximations very similar to that later devised in the West by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th Century. Qin even extended his technique to solve (albeit approximately) equations involving numbers up to the power of ten, extraordinarily complex mathematics for its time.

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Ancient Greek Herodianic numerals

Ancient Greek Herodianic numerals

As the Greek empire began to spread its sphere of influence into Asia Minor, Mesopotamia and beyond, the Greeks were smart enough to adopt and adapt useful elements from the societies they conquered. This was as true of their mathematics as anything else, and they adopted elements of mathematics from both the Babylonians and the Egyptians. But they soon started to make important contributions in their own right and, for the first time, we can acknowledge contributions by individuals. By the Hellenistic period, the Greeks had presided over one of the most dramatic and important revolutions in mathematical thought of all time.

The ancient Greek numeral system, known as Attic or Herodianic numerals, was fully developed by about 450 BCE, and in regular use possibly as early as the 7th Century BCE. It was a base 10 system similar to the earlier Egyptian one (and even more similar to the later Roman system), with symbols for 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 repeated as many times needed to represent the desired number. Addition was done by totalling separately the symbols (1s, 10s, 100s, etc) in the numbers to be added, and multiplication was a laborious process based on successive doublings (division was based on the inverse of this process).

Thales' Intercept Theorem

Thales’ Intercept Theorem

But most of Greek mathematics was based on geometry. Thales, one of the Seven Sages of Ancient Greece, who lived on the Ionian coast of Asian Minor in the first half of the 6th Century BCE, is usually considered to have been the first to lay down guidelines for the abstract development of geometry, although what we know of his work (such as on similar and right triangles) now seems quite elementary.

Thales established what has become known as Thales’ Theorem, whereby if a triangle is drawn within a circle with the long side as a diameter of the circle, then the opposite angle will always be a right angle (as well as some other related properties derived from this). He is also credited with another theorem, also known as Thales’ Theorem or the Intercept Theorem, about the ratios of the line segments that are created if two intersecting lines are intercepted by a pair of parallels (and, by extension, the ratios of the sides of similar triangles).

To some extent, however, the legend of the 6th Century BCE mathematician Pythagoras of Samos has become synonymous with the birth of Greek mathematics. Indeed, he is believed to have coined both the words “philosophy” (“love of wisdom”) and “mathematics” (“that which is learned”). Pythagoras was perhaps the first to realize that a complete system of mathematics could be constructed, where geometric elements corresponded with numbers. Pythagoras’ Theorem (or the Pythagorean Theorem) is one of the best known of all mathematical theorems. But he remains a controversial figure, as we will see, and Greek mathematics was by no means limited to one man.

The Three Classical Problems

The Three Classical Problems

Three geometrical problems in particular, often referred to as the Three Classical Problems, and all to be solved by purely geometric means using only a straight edge and a compass, date back to the early days of Greek geometry: “the squaring (or quadrature) of the circle”, “the doubling (or duplicating) of the cube” and “the trisection of an angle”. These intransigent problems were profoundly influential on future geometry and led to many fruitful discoveries, although their actual solutions (or, as it turned out, the proofs of their impossibility) had to wait until the 19th Century.

Hippocrates of Chios (not to be confused with the great Greek physician Hippocrates of Kos) was one such Greek mathematician who applied himself to these problems during the 5th Century BCE (his contribution to the “squaring the circle” problem is known as the Lune of Hippocrates). His influential book “The Elements”, dating to around 440 BCE, was the first compilation of the elements of geometry, and his work was an important source for Euclid‘s later work.

Zeno's Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise

Zeno’s Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise

It was the Greeks who first grappled with the idea of infinity, such as described in the well-known paradoxes attributed to the philosopher Zeno of Elea in the 5th Century BCE. The most famous of his paradoxes is that of Achilles and the Tortoise, which describes a theoretical race between Achilles and a tortoise. Achilles gives the much slower tortoise a head start, but by the time Achilles reaches the tortoise’s starting point, the tortoise has already moved ahead. By the time Achilles reaches that point, the tortoise has moved on again, etc, etc, so that in principle the swift Achilles can never catch up with the slow tortoise.

Paradoxes such as this one and Zeno’s so-called Dichotomy Paradox are based on the infinite divisibility of space and time, and rest on the idea that a half plus a quarter plus an eighth plus a sixteenth, etc, etc, to infinity will never quite equal a whole. The paradox stems, however, from the false assumption that it is impossible to complete an infinite number of discrete dashes in a finite time, although it is extremely difficult to definitively prove the fallacy. The ancient Greek Aristotle was the first of many to try to disprove the paradoxes, particularly as he was a firm believer that infinity could only ever be potential and not real.

Democritus, most famous for his prescient ideas about all matter being composed of tiny atoms, was also a pioneer of mathematics and geometry in the 5th — 4th Century BCE, and he produced works with titles like “On Numbers”, “On Geometrics”, “On Tangencies”, “On Mapping” and “On Irrationals”, although these works have not survived. We do know that he was among the first to observe that a cone (or pyramid) has one-third the volume of a cylinder (or prism) with the same base and height, and he is perhaps the first to have seriously considered the division of objects into an infinite number of cross-sections.

However, it is certainly true that Pythagoras in particular greatly influenced those who came after him, including Plato, who established his famous Academy in Athens in 387 BCE, and his protégé Aristotle, whose work on logic was regarded as definitive for over two thousand years. Plato the mathematician is best known for his description of the five Platonic solids, but the value of his work as a teacher and popularizer of mathematics can not be overstated.

Plato’s student Eudoxus of Cnidus is usually credited with the first implementation of the “method of exhaustion” (later developed by Archimedes), an early method of integration by successive approximations which he used for the calculation of the volume of the pyramid and cone. He also developed a general theory of proportion, which was applicable to incommensurable (irrational) magnitudes that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two whole numbers, as well as to commensurable (rational) magnitudes, thus extending Pythagoras’ incomplete ideas.

Perhaps the most important single contribution of the Greeks, though — and PythagorasPlato and Aristotle were all influential in this respect — was the idea of proof, and the deductive method of using logical steps to prove or disprove theorems from initial assumed axioms. Older cultures, like the Egyptians and the Babylonians, had relied on inductive reasoning, that is using repeated observations to establish rules of thumb. It is this concept of proof that give mathematics its power and ensures that proven theories are as true today as they were two thousand years ago, and which laid the foundations for the systematic approach to mathematics of Euclid and those who came after him.

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The 10 best mathematicians

 Pythagoras, from a 1920s textbook. Photograph: © Blue Lantern Studio/Corbis

Pythagoras (circa 570-495BC)

Vegetarian mystical leader and number-obsessive, he owes his standing as the most famous name in maths due to a theorem about right-angled triangles, although it now appears it probably predated him. He lived in a community where numbers were venerated as much for their spiritual qualities as for their mathematical ones. His elevation of numbers as the essence of the world made him the towering primogenitor of Greek mathematics, essentially the beginning of mathematics as we know it now. And, famously, he didn’t eat beans.

Hypatia (cAD360-415)

 Hypatia (375-415AD), a Greek woman mathematician and philosopher. Photograph: © Bettmann/Corbis

Women are under-represented in mathematics, yet the history of the subject is not exclusively male. Hypatia was a scholar at the library in Alexandria in the 4th century CE. Her most valuable scientific legacy was her edited version of Euclid’s The Elements, the most important Greek mathematical text, and one of the standard versions for centuries after her particularly horrific death: she was murdered by a Christian mob who stripped her naked, peeled away her flesh with broken pottery and ripped apart her limbs.

Girolamo Cardano (1501 -1576)

 Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576), mathematician, astrologer and physician. Photograph: SSPL/Getty

Italian polymath for whom the term Renaissance man could have been invented. A doctor by profession, he was the author of 131 books. He was also a compulsive gambler. It was this last habit that led him to the first scientific analysis of probability. He realised he could win more on the dicing table if he expressed the likelihood of chance events using numbers. This was a revolutionary idea, and it led to probability theory, which in turn led to the birth of statistics, marketing, the insurance industry and the weather forecast.

Leonhard Euler (1707- 1783)

 Leonhard Euler (1707-1783). Photograph: Science and Society Picture Library

The most prolific mathematician of all time, publishing close to 900 books. When he went blind in his late 50s his productivity in many areas increased. His famous formula eiπ + 1 = 0, where e is the mathematical constant sometimes known as Euler’s number and i is the square root of minus one, is widely considered the most beautiful in mathematics. He later took an interest in Latin squares – grids where each row and column contains each member of a set of numbers or objects once. Without this work, we might not have had sudoku.

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)

 Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). Photograph: Bettmann/CORBIS

Known as the prince of mathematicians, Gauss made significant contributions to most fields of 19th century mathematics. An obsessive perfectionist, he didn’t publish much of his work, preferring to rework and improve theorems first. His revolutionary discovery of non-Euclidean space (that it is mathematically consistent that parallel lines may diverge) was found in his notes after his death. During his analysis of astronomical data, he realised that measurement error produced a bell curve – and that shape is now known as a Gaussian distribution.

Georg Cantor (1845-1918)

 Georg Ferdinand Cantor (1845-1918), German mathematician. Photograph: © Corbis

Of all the great mathematicians, Cantor most perfectly fulfils the (Hollywood) stereotype that a genius for maths and mental illness are somehow inextricable. Cantor’s most brilliant insight was to develop a way to talk about mathematical infinity. His set theory lead to the counter-intuitive discovery that some infinities were larger than others. The result was mind-blowing. Unfortunately he suffered mental breakdowns and was frequently hospitalised. He also became fixated on proving that the works of Shakespeare were in fact written by Francis Bacon.

Paul Erdös (1913-1996)

 Paul Erdos (1913-96).

Erdös lived a nomadic, possession-less life, moving from university to university, from colleague’s spare room to conference hotel. He rarely published alone, preferring to collaborate – writing about 1,500 papers, with 511 collaborators, making him the second-most prolific mathematician after Euler. As a humorous tribute, an “Erdös number” is given to mathematicians according to their collaborative proximity to him: No 1 for those who have authored papers with him; No 2 for those who have authored with mathematicians with an Erdös No 1, and so on.

John Horton Conway (b1937)

 John Horton Conway.

The Liverpudlian is best known for the serious maths that has come from his analyses of games and puzzles. In 1970, he came up with the rules for the Game of Life, a game in which you see how patterns of cells evolve in a grid. Early computer scientists adored playing Life, earning Conway star status. He has made important contributions to many branches of pure maths, such as group theory, number theory and geometry and, with collaborators, has also come up with wonderful-sounding concepts like surreal numbers, the grand antiprism and monstrous moonshine.

Grigori Perelman (b1966)

 Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman. Photograph: © EPA/Corbis

Perelman was awarded $1m last month for proving one of the most famous open questions in maths, the Poincaré Conjecture. But the Russian recluse has refused to accept the cash. He had already turned down maths’ most prestigious honour, the Fields Medal in 2006. “If the proof is correct then no other recognition is needed,” he reportedly said. The Poincaré Conjecture was first stated in 1904 by Henri Poincaré and concerns the behaviour of shapes in three dimensions. Perelman is currently unemployed and lives a frugal life with his mother in St Petersburg.

Terry Tao (b1975)

 Terry Tao. Photograph: Reed Hutchinson/UCLA

An Australian of Chinese heritage who lives in the US, Tao also won (and accepted) the Fields Medal in 2006. Together with Ben Green, he proved an amazing result about prime numbers – that you can find sequences of primes of any length in which every number in the sequence is a fixed distance apart. For example, the sequence 3, 7, 11 has three primes spaced 4 apart. The sequence 11, 17, 23, 29 has four primes that are 6 apart. While sequences like this of any length exist, no one has found one of more than 25 primes, since the primes by then are more than 18 digits long.